ACF-50 is a light carrier with a proprietary package of additives that transform it into an astonishing creeping-fluid AND an outstanding de-watering fluid too. These properties mean that just the smallest amount will get into every crevice, every blemish of corrosion, and utterly remove the water. No water means no corrosion, period. And that’s just the start of it! ACF-50 stays in place in voids for up to two years, actively spreading, sacrificing itself to keep corrosion at bay.
Corrosion Block is another proprietary package of additives in a slightly thicker carrier than ACF-50. The additive package makes Corrosion Block into a high-adherence creeping-fluid AND an outstanding de-watering fluid too. These properties mean that just a smallest amount will get into every cell of corrosion, utterly remove the water and stay on task, even under severe conditions. Removing water means stopping corrosion dead in its tracks. With the extra adhesion Corrosion Block stays in place for up to six-months, even in salt-spray, actively spreading, sacrificing itself to keep corrosion at bay.
Corrosion Block Grease brings together a related proprietary package of corrosion-prevention additives and a high-performance waterproof grease. The additive package makes Corrosion Block Grease into outstandingly resilient grease, resistant to water wash-out. It is now widely used by the UK’s largest maritime safety fleet.
Corrosion Block - In Brief
Lear Chemical Research’s range of anti-corrosion products have a huge range of applications. With products that don’t just stop corrosion in its tracks but also lubricate, penetrate and protect you’ll find these products in many and varied applications including: -
- Power Stations.
- Agricultural and heavy plant and equipment.
- Fishing equipment.
- Truck and rail manufacturers, operators and maintainers.
- Firearm maintenance.
- Production lines and tool-makers.
- Wind-farms.
There should be at least one of these products in every tool-box!
Corrosion Block, the Facts!
- ‘ACTIVE’ long-lasting, ‘non-drying’
- Kills existing corrosion
- Prevents new corrosion from forming
- Excellent penetrant & lubricant
- Approved for engines & electronics
- Contains NO silicon, wax, resin, tar, asphalt or Teflon
Electrical Uses
Corrosion Block has the ability to remove moisture, combined with its excellent penetrating and strong dielectric properties, have brought a number of electronics 'back from the dead' with just one application.
The Corrosion Block removes the moisture from the corrosion byproduct, then isolates the corrosion byproduct from the electrical circuit. Corrosion Block can be used in many different electrical and electronic applications without fear of damage. Corrosion block will not harm paint or plastic surfaces.